“Once upon a time…” Don’t worry; good stories do not necessarily have to start with this phrase. On the contrary! If it is possible to arouse emotions through interesting, varied, and exciting content, the most important step has already been taken. Feelings always have a stronger effect on people than the mere enumeration of facts. Precisely this circumstance makes use of successful storytelling!
Location determination
DeSight Studio recommends different approaches to its customers. As always (already mentioned several times), the mind-work is also here before the creative elaboration. In the beginning, the own position is determined together to define the respective goal and the corresponding way. Finally, before the content created and the corresponding measures developed, it must be completely clear where the communicative journey is heading.
Multimedia Stories
Stories can be told in many different ways. For example, as written text on a website or in a mailing, as spoken content in the form of a radio spot or an interview, or as a film clip in your blog or a video platform such as Youtube – or of course as an individually compiled and ideally multimedia mix of measures. These decisions depend on the client, target groups, objectives, and, last but not least, the respective content.
If it is possible to awaken emotions through interesting, varied, and exciting content, the most important step has already taken – DeSight Studio.
Central element
“In storytelling, we leave the old paths of classical communication,” explains CEO & Founder Dominik Waitzer, to go right into detail. “The hero is no longer the product, but the conflict between a problem and its solution. A good story tells about a starting position, the use of a product or service, and its subsequent success. The vision and motivation behind this development form the (unique) heart of the story.” Storytelling is always about how, what and why!
What is content?
Don’t think about advertising and product presentation now. Good content is – and can be – so much more! Because what is written, said, and shown has the task of communicating the emotional solution to the problem between the starting point and the endpoint. The goal here is to awaken feelings, direct them, and ultimately resolve them positively. Professionally implemented storytelling with corresponding content may not even have to show the product. Content is, therefore, the part of the concept that abstracts the marketing message to such an extent that it can be told as a new, yet conclusive story.
Listen closely…
An example from practice: The cooperation with a family-run bakery is difficult for the agency. The owner no longer knows what to tell the copywriter about his bakery and his products to provide enough content for the advertising material. He casually notes that, as in any good bakery, his bread is baked twice in a wood oven because of the crispy crust. Precisely in this sub-clause, three catchwords were (coincidentally) hidden. The story of a craft workshop, a wood-burning oven, and double baking ultimately appealed to significantly more customers than traditional advertising could ever do with the list of products and prices.
… and treasure raising
Carolina Waitzer reports from practical experience: “Some of our customers are themselves surprised by the strong stories and content in their products and services.” The development of content is then often like a journey back in time to the founding days of the respective company, when the vision and mission were still immediately tangible. As an agency, it is our job to assist in the lifting of such concept treasures – because they are the basis for the unique content.” That sounds exciting, doesn’t it…?