Admittedly, “digitalization” is a term that describes a vast field. It starts with reading newspapers on the Internet and does not end with electronic injection in the car engine. Digitalization can allow, facilitate, and enable many things, but it can also complicate, make complicated, and many unrealizable things. The fact is that digitalization is an integral part of our daily lives. The only question is how much digitalization we as humans can endure, or how and where we can benefit from it in practice.
As a digital agency, DeSight Studio® naturally thinks again and again about where the digital business field is developing. Trends become recognizable, and adaptations of existing web presences become necessary. At the same time, the human element must never be disregarded in this equation. After all, it is people (users) who have to work and deal with technical developments and innovations. Here the limits of acceptance are reached very quickly – or in other words: to be accepted, digitalization must be used intelligently.
What does ” digitization ” actually mean? It starts with networked end devices such as the refrigerator and ends again with air taxis. DeSight Studio – to make the path to digitization a little easier!
In general, digitization is expected to bring monetary added value: lower costs, higher output, business intelligence, artificial intelligence, predictive analytics, robot banking, and, of course, the much-quoted automation. However, in daily life, both customers and employees (still) appreciate classic human-to-human communication, which differs in many ways from human-to-machine communication and interaction. Although technology is making enormous progress, empathy, emotion, and intuition can hardly be substituted by digital algorithms. Gestures, language, and intuition create trust, which forms the basis for business transactions. In the coming years, digitization will still be used as supportive assistance – but the next development step is imminent.
From this point of view, the question is not whether digitization should be used, but how much scanning can be used – this threshold value will shift more and more towards automation. As always, this stocktaking begins with an analysis of the company’s services and products. The question is in which market environment one moves, how much consultation is necessary, and what value customers place on human interaction. In the course of an application for real estate financing and the reallocation of earlier loans around the establishment of a company, we will attach great importance to the personal contact with the bank consultant. With the average Amazon order, on the other hand, we are even happy not to have any contact with the seller at all.
As is so often the case, the networking of man and machine – and digitization is nothing else – must take the middle course. Digitization must bring benefits, e.g., through:
Customer information can be found more easily and used by salespeople.
Acceleration of processes in companies, if all participants profit from it.
More intuitive and more comfortable use of new IT solutions.
Deep linking of electronic and individualized contacts to prospects and customers.
Digitalization is not an end in itself, but a means to an end. It is people who work with it and whose needs, wishes, and objectives must always be the focus of attention. This simple basic idea is, at the same time, a springboard for exciting further developments in the company’s sphere of activity.