The experts have always argued about how big, how well-known, how internationally networked, and how hot an agency should be to be invited or even commissioned for a pitch. Some believe that only significant agencies and agency networks can work reliably because they ensure that their employees are present on the agency premises and work understandably on site. Others insist that small agencies and associations of specialized freelancers work leaner and more effectively because they can assemble project-specific expert teams without the excessive overhead and work more efficiently in this way.
Smart clients use the best of both worlds: personal support as by freelancers for services as by a primary agency. But how can such providers be identified, and how can they be identified? The key indicators can be limited to three main points:
The appearance: After a little research, it should be clear how the agency presents itself publicly. Is the presentation clear, understandable, and consistent? Do the specialists apply their know-how to themselves? What information are you interested in?
The results: An essential part of the appearance is the references. Which customers are/have been looked after, and what are the results of the cooperation? Can concepts, competence, and creativity be discovered? Can you imagine that such results also fit your task?
“Large digital projects require large budgets with much larger teams” – DeSight Studio, as a full-service agency, knows only too well that this assumption is usually a (costly) wrong decision for the client.
The contact persons: Last but not least, the chemistry must be right between you and the contact persons. The easiest way to clarify this is to get to know each other and perhaps already have a briefing. Get to know the people behind the agency and get a personal explanation of the processes, working methods, and team structures.
If these points are ticked off satisfactorily, it is very likely that you have found an agency that suits you, your company, and your tasks! Or …?
At this point, your decision for “personal care as by freelancers, but services as by a large agency” may be questioned by superiors, other colleagues or your cognitive dissonance. That is a good thing because now, the practical implementation of this decision can be confirmed:
A personal initiative through personal basis: The individual contact person is more than just a “contact person,” he is a decision-maker who holds the strings in the agency. Accordingly, he can propose and launch solutions on his initiative – without getting the deadlines, team compositions, and estimated workforce out of control.
Clean and fast implementations: Good results are not only a question of money but also of honor and appreciation! The team members within the agency – above all, your contact person – have a personal need to do and deliver excellent work.
Right solutions: While major agencies often do “service by the book,” smaller networks do “service to customers.” This also includes reacting flexibly to new framework conditions, specifications, and wishes – without pointing out to the customer at every opportunity that he is “difficult.”
It’s not a contradiction: of course, the services of a primary agency can be combined with the service strength of a smaller one – DeSight Studio is the best example of this! Ultimately, such cooperation’s convincing through an extremely high output for the respective budget. With such a price-performance ratio, even the last doubters say: “Yes”!