In principle, the labor market is subject to constant change. However, developments have accelerated rapidly in recent years, so that employers must also adapt to current requirements to attract the best specialists to their company. It is not a question of reinventing oneself, or even of disguising oneself. Instead, it is a matter of presenting oneself authentically and comprehensibly where the potential specialists inform themselves about their prospective employers – in the digital environment.
Digital Employer Branding
The central question is: How and where do employers and employees come together? In the past, this used to work through personal recommendations, daily newspapers, trade journals, and advertisements. The company advertised the interested parties applied. After a personal interview, they were hired – or not. The battle for the best-skilled workers has, meanwhile (almost) passed away from the analog world and shifted to a digital environment. Beyond that, it is not only the prospective customers, who must apply. Companies also have to present themselves as informative, communicative, and attractive as possible to sharpen their employer brand. So we are already in the middle of digital employer branding!
Meeting point Internet
Back to the management and specialists, Generation Y, the digital natives, or only young talents. They also move in their search for the best employer, preferably in their digital habitat, the Internet, and social networks. There (and mostly only there) they research the data of the companies: Key figures, image, employee reviews, and general customer feedback. Fact is: who is not present and active as employers in this surrounding field, does not appear at all on the radar of the specialists and specialists.
The path to becoming a digital employer begins where employers and employees meet – at the workplace. As a full-service digital agency, DeSight Studio shows companies how this can best be achieved.
Be digitally present
Digital presence is the key to digital employer branding. A functioning and up-to-date website form the basis for this. Since the target group usually only surfs the Internet on a mobile basis, it is advisable to optimize the web presence for smartphone presentations (i.e., responsive). Such details also ensure that the website receives a better ranking from Google. Which leads us directly to the search engine optimization of the content. SEO measures are necessary to be found better and more direct. Which young talent wants to work for a company that is listed on page 2 (or even further down)?
Enliven content
It is not only information but also experiences that constitute employer branding. (Employee) Blogs make everyday working life a tangible experience and provide insights that are particularly attractive for the skilled workers of the future. The same applies to rate portals such as Kununu or Glassdoor. Reviews and ratings make the self-directed appearance much more credible – which in turn means that statements and promises communicated to the outside must be kept 100%!
It’s all in the mix
As always and everywhere in life, it is essential to put together the right combination of measures. This is an excellent opportunity for companies to assess their current situation and define for themselves which employees they want to attract in the future, what they want to offer them and how they want to be perceived in the course of this process. DeSight Studio chooses this targeted approach to position clients and customers without (unnecessary) detours optimally. Because digital employer branding is not an end in itself, but a process that must be individually coordinated and precisely aligned. In this way, employers and employees come together – with advantages for both sides.